:doodle { @grid: 16 / 100vmin 80vmin; perspective: 90vmin; perspective-origin: 0% -140%; transform: scale(1.8); } :container { transform-style: preserve-3d; animation: camera 20s ease-in-out infinite; animation-direction: alternate-reverse; } --ds: @r(4s, 12s, .1); --size: @r(1, 9); /* Thanks to mootari for the tip */ --z: calc(@i() * .0001px + var(--size) * .1px); animation: move var(--ds) linear infinite, opacity var(--ds) linear infinite; animation-delay: calc((@row() - @size-row()) * var(--ds) / @size-row() - @r(@size()) * .1s); :after { content: ''; @size: calc(var(--size) * 10%); background: @p(#00b8a9, #f8f3d4, #f6416c, #ffde7d); } position: absolute; left: calc(@col() * 100% / @size-row()); @size: calc(100% / @size-row()); @keyframes move { 0% { transform: translate3d(0, 0, calc(var(--z) - 15vmin)) rotateX(180deg) scaleY(.01); } 10% { transform: translate3d(0, calc(10% * @size-row()), var(--z)) rotateX(0) scaleY(.8); } 90% { transform: translate3d(0, calc(90% * @size-row()), var(--z)) scale(1); } 100% { transform: translate3d(0, calc(100% * @size-row()), calc(var(--z) + 5vmin)) scale(.5); } } @keyframes opacity { 0%, 100% { opacity: 0; } 10%, 90% { opacity: .9; } } @keyframes camera { from { transform: rotateX(-45deg) rotate(140deg) translateY(-10%); } to { transform: rotateX(-45deg) rotate(220deg) translateY(-10%); } }

Hi, I'm Gordon Tu. I make

charts maps code creatively
on the web,
and I also write blog posts
Spike Planet

Three.js, React.js

Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Flow Field 2D


Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Star Candy Ball


Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu


Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Rough Fried Eggs


Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Lili Pads


Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Sunset Blob


Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Rough Squares


Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu
China Elevation


Adobe Illustrator

Created By 涂钰坤, aka, Gordon Tu